Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu I am a brother from West Africa and i watched with very big interest your duruus fi seeratu rasuul pbuh.BUT yaa akhi i am )a little bit confuse about the fact that our beloved prophete saw Allah Subhaanah fi laylatil mi`raj.I am asking for Dalaa`il. PLEASE give me proofs of this fact .wa jazakallah Khayran !
USA, New York
wa alaikum assalam ..mayALLAH bless you what about did our master mohammad peas be upon him had see ALLAH by his eyes?
some of sahaba said yes like ibn abbas but other said he saw ALLAH by his heart like assayyda aisha but as you knwo that ABN ABBAS knwos more about prothet pease be upon him more than assayda ASHIA