Time management

Time management

Praises be to ALLAH Whom we can escape to… And seek for his forgiveness his servant who is confused, and who’s drowned in his sins….I praise him plenty and blessed praises…In his hand the decision in mortal life and on the day we escape to him… And I testify that there is no God but ALLAH alone without a partner,One in himself,One is his attributes,And one in his Actions…Unique in creating and finding… (( يَعْلَمُ خَآئِنَةَ ٱلأَعْيُنِ وَمَا تُخْفِي ٱلصُّدُورُ)) ...[God, knows the treachery of the eyes, when it steals a glance at what is prohibited and what the hearts hide]...He knows what happens inside graves…and to him your fate ends on the day of Reserruction… I praise him plenty and blessed praises… And I testify that there is no God but ALLAH…A testimony who says it,comes secured on the Day of Resurrection… A testimony who says it,comes with an enlightenend face on the Day of Resurrection… A testimony who says it,comes with his head high on the day we stand between his hands…and I testify that our lord,our prophet,our beloved one,our leader,and our idol Muhammad His servant and messenger…and his chosen one from his creations and beloved one…we testify that he delivered the letter and did it well…and performed the obligation and did it well…and left us on the clear path its night like its day…no one deviates from it unless if he’s perished…Oh ALLAH pray and bless upon our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…and grant him peace…And so… O’ servants of ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

O’ servants of ALLAH…when we see and read the Holy Quran…we see that ALLAH almighty swore by many of his creations…at times he swears By the sun and its morning light…and at times he swears by the forenoon…and at times he swears by the night when it envelops in its darkness…and at times he swear by the life…and it is of the mightiest things of what ALLAH almighty and most majesty swore by...ALLAH almighty said ((وَالْعَصْرِ * إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ*إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ))...[(He swears) By Time* Verily man is in a state of loss in all his bargaining* except those who believe and perform righteous deeds, and enjoin one another to follow the truth, faith, and enjoin one another to patience, in maintaining obedience]...That’s why…the age that ALLAH swore by…and the time that ALLAH swore by…yet ALLAH swore by the life of the prophet – ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion– so he said : ((لَعَمْرُكَ إِنَّهُمْ لَفِي سَكْرَتِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ))[ By your life (the Prophet – ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion -) — in their drunkenness they were bewildered, hesitant…so he swore by the time you’re living in…

And he swore by the life of the prophet – ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion - ... O’ servants of ALLAH the most precious thing you posses… the most precious thing ALLAH possessed you it…is life which ALLAH almighty and most majesty gave you…so be prepared for this age that ALLAH gave you...because every breath you breathe in doesn’t return until the Day of Resurrection…(Human’s heart’s pulse tells him…life is minutes and seconds) ...and that’s why O’ servants of ALLAH…why did he make pulses for the hearts…? why did ALLAH make pulses for the heart?...so you’d know the value of the pulse that your heart pulsates in your chest…It’s not useless…ALLAH could have had created us without pulsating hearts…or without sensing with it…but there’s a signal…for those who understand the signal…and for those who do not need frank statements…to know that heart’s pulses are accounted with ALLAH almighty…and every servant and every creature his heart’s pulses are limited...so if the countdown starts…and your time to leave starts… and your death approaches… then the pulses start to decrease...so the countdown… starts…10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…then you die…and I swear…if you spend everything you have…and asked for one breath of the creatures and existings’ breaths whether in earth or in the skies…you wont find one breath…

( فَإِذَا جَاء أَجَلُهُمْ لاَ يَسْتَأْخِرُونَ سَاعَةً وَلاَ يَسْتَقْدِمُونَ)...[When their term comes they shall not delay it a single hour nor bring it forward.]...that’s why O’ servants…in order to know the value of time,age, and life…ALLAH created for us night and day…and sun and moon…and morning and dusk…and sunrise and sunset ...so you’d know that there’s a universe moving above you…and so you’d know that planets are orbiting above you…and so you’d know that the day doesn’t last…and that the sun doesn’t stay bright…and that also the night doesn’t last…and darkness doesn’t as well…Whereas after darkness there is sunrise and dawn…and that’s why…so the human knows…that as days and years pass by…and with sunrises and sunsets…he knows that they’re all detucted from his life…and that’s why…your age…at the age of 40 and the age of 60…are significant to ALLAH almighty...it’s mentioned in hadith…that every day there’s an angel that calls…O’ sons of 40…which means O’ whom are at the age of forty…O’ sons of 40…you’re crops that its harvest approached... crops that its harvest approached…that means that your plant can be picked and clutched from the ground…and your soul will be seized…O’ sons of 40…O’ sons of 40 every night…one of the angels calls O’ sons of 40… you’re crops that its harvest approached…you’re crops that its harvest approached…that’s why previous good people…if one of them turns 40…he folds his mattress…which means he reduces sleeping hours…No sleep...the human when his travel approaches he gets prepared…he prepares his things…he buys his things and needs which he needs in his travel…so he won’t be surprised that he might needs something simple…he might buy everything and forgets a clipper…and he might searches here and there this is to whom his fingernails may concern…to whom it may concern…and that’s why he might need something and goes for only one thing…and that’s why if one of them turns 40…he fold his mattress and gets prepared to meet ALLAH almighty...and as for the age 40…Scholars say…who becomes 40 and his good deeds didn’t prevail his evil deeds then there’s no good in him...because the age 40 is considered a criterion ...is considered a criterion of the middle age almost…and that’s why if at your middle age you weren’t close to ALLAH then when? ... yet if he turns 60…listen to this hadith ... which imam Ahmed says in his book.: - ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion - says ( the one who ALLAH kept him to live until the age of 60 then the age has no excuse to do with him)...what does this mean?it means ... if ALLAH lengthened your age until you turned 60…then you have no excuse...you have no excuse…you have no excuse to present so you’d ask ALLAH for forgiveness…that you didn’t do so and so… and that’s why ALLAH almighty disgraced and dishonored a group of disbelievers and others…that they complained to ALLAH almighty that they didn’t have the opportunity to approach and get close to ALLAH…so he said:( أَوَلَمْ نُعَمِّرْكُم مَّا يَتَذَكَّرُ فِيهِ مَن تَذَكَّرَ وَجَاءكُمُ النَّذِيرُ)... ... [Did We not give you long life, enough, time, in which to take heed, for him who would take heed? And moreover the warner, the Messenger, came to you, but you did not respond to his call]...scholars says the warner…is of 3 sayings ...
  • One saying is that the Warner is the prophet – ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion -...
  • Another saying…is the Holy Quran…ALLAH almighty says (فَذَكِّرْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مَن يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ) ...[ So admonish by the Qur’ān those who fear My threat, namely, believers.]
  • And a third saying…which is appearance of white hair in your head…appearance of white hair this is a warner…

Some of the previous good people if he had seen a white hair in his beard or head…he says this is one of the first warnings... ((أَزِفَتْ الْآزِفَةُ*لَيْسَ لَهَا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ كَاشِفَة))... [The Impending Hour is imminent: the Resurrection is near at hand*None,no soul, besides ALLAH can disclose it, that is to say, only He can disclose it and manifest it]...we ask ALLAH almighty to make us and you from those who got prepared to meet ALLAH almighty and most majesty…O’ servants of ALLAH…that’s why your age…is your future on the Day of Resurrection.

And that’s why ALLAH almighty made this time that couldn’t stop not even a moment…it can’t stop unless you die…whereas the time of human and his age…depends on it the eternal happiness in this life and the hereafter...and that’s why…everyone of us will be asked about four questions…the prophet – ALLAH’S mercy and prayers be upon him and his family and companion – says:no servant’s feet shall exceed which means it’s impossible to pass the path until he’s asked about four ...(No servant’s feet shall exceed unless he’s asked about four…about his age in what he exterminated it…and about his youth in what he wore it out…and about his knowledge what had he done with it…and about his money from where he got it and how he spent it)...What do you notice from this hadith?we notice the following : that every one of the 3 things…he’s asked about only once…only one type he’s asked about twice which is money…money…where did he get it from…and where did he spend it…and that’s why scholars say…who’s mortal life’s matters were easily done and his hereafter’s matters were difficultly done then he’s from the gradually leaded people...which means…you,in this life…your matters are done quickly…you find a job right away…and maybe you get promoted quickly…and maybe you enter the shares and your credits increase…maybe you work here and there…and maybe your fortune increases quickly…this is an indicator…there’s a question mark…look at the opposite side to your hereafter’s matters…do you spend charity a lot?if your money increases and your charities decrease…beware…it’s a red signal…be cautious...

And if your hereafter matter’s weren’t performed easily…how?for example every time he wants to fulfill visitation to ALLAH…something urgent comes up…business…meeting…his wife gets sick…his son gets sick…he gets sick…he had the intention and said if ALLAH wills I’ll go to fulfill pilgrimage at the end of the year…he plans and then he gets surprised…with something urgent that comes up…he gets late for pilgrimage…and then he says I’ll spend charity and when its time comes, he forgets…or something comes up and he loses his money…whereas his life’s matters are easily done…and the hereafter’s matter’s are difficultly done…scholars said he’s gradually leaded…he’s gradually leaded…and that’s why scholars said ... If you notice that ALLAH is giving you from the blessings and sustenance and you’re disobeying him then beware...

And who’s this life and the hereafter’s matters were easily done...then he’s from the right [hand] people...which means from the general group of believers…

And whose life’s matters were difficultly done and his hereafter’s matters were easily done ,he’s from the prophets’ inheritors...some people their life’s matters…aren’t easily available for them…the job isn’t achieved easily…he might study in sophisticated universities and then after that…works in a job that has nothing to do with his major…this job in a valley…and studies and certificates in another…and he might try here and there…he enters in a deal and he loses…in any of the life’s matters he’s not succeeding in them…but he succeeds in the hereafter’s matters…he maintains his prayers…his wife is a good woman and wears scarf… his daughters…his sons learn by heart Quran for example…then know you’re from the prophets’ inheritors so don’t be sad…ALLAH gives life to whom he loves and whom he doesn’t love…but he only gives the hereafter to whom he loves…Oh ALLAH give us mortal life and hereafter in the ways you love and please…O’ most generous and most compassionate…so ALLAH gives mortal life to whom he loves and whom he doesn’t love…but he only gives the hereafter to whom he loves…so look my Muslim brother if your life’s matters were difficultly done…job or else or else…don’t be sad...if you maintain your prayers praise ALLAH...if your sight was preserved from look at the prohibited praise ALLAH...If you couldn’t find delicious food though you praise ALLAH then praise ALLAH...if your job was simple or your house included one bedroom and a hall…people are complaining from increasing rent prices…and you couldn’t manage but to rent a room and a hall…or even one bedroom with its toilet then praise ALLAH almighty…praise ALLAH almighty...if ALLAH had given you a good devouted wife that helps you to obey ALLAH…or what’s the use…if you live in a big castle or big mansion…and your wife doesn’t pray? Your wife goes out putting make-up or nearly putting it or almost undressed ...What’s the use of wealth and expanded houses and strength and health if your children were drug addicts? What’s the use of all that money?...but if you had a limited salary or less…except that ALLAH had given you a good wife…or good sons and daughters…then ALLAH loves you…then ALLAH wants what’s good for you so don’t be sad...as for the last type…those whose mortal life and hereafter matters he’s from the abhorrent ones God forbid…he lost life and hereafter…we take refuge with ALLAH from this thing…oh ALLAH we ask your blessings in our ages…and blessings in our sustenance…and blessings in sons…and blessings in daughters…and blessings in wives…and blessings in our life…and blessings in our death…and blessings on the day we resurrect…Amen…Amen…and that’s why O’ servants…we’re all complaining about how fast time and age are passing by…and we all…some know and some don’t know…that Ramadan is coming after 3 months…I ask ALLAH to lengthen our ages so Ramadan would enter on us…and we’re in complete health and well being and happiness in life and hereafter…with his ample generosity…and to perpetuate security and safety on these countries specifically. and all Muslims’ countries in general…He’s the most generous and most compassionate…How fast days pass by…and how fast years pass by…Ramadan…is coming after 3 months?...glory be to ALLAH…all this is from your age…all this is from your age…(( وَتَرَى ٱلْجِبَالَ تَحْسَبُهَا جَامِدَةً وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ ٱلسَّحَابِ))...[ And you see the mountains, you notice them, at the moment of the Blast, supposing them to be still, stationary in their place, while they drift like passing clouds]...Don’t think the mountains are still they move but you don’t feel them…as well as the earth revolves around you but you don’t feel it…everything in this universe revolves…and that’s why…who got prepared…and set for himself management for his time and management for his age and management for his kids he will succeed in life and in the hereafter…I ask ALLAH almighty to let us succeed for what he loves and please…ALLAH almighty and most majesty says : ((تِلْكَ ٱلدَّارُ ٱلآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلَّذِينَ لاَ يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوّاً فِي ٱلأَرْضِ وَلاَ فَسَاداً وَٱلْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ))...[ That is the Abode of the Hereafter, namely, Paradise, which We shall grant to those who do not desire to be haughty in the earth, through insolence, nor [to cause] corruption, by committing acts of disobedience. And the, praiseworthy, sequel will be for those who fear, God’s punishment, by performing deeds of obedience.]...I say this speech and Ask ALLAH the greatest to forgive you and me…Ask his forgiveness he’s the forgiver and merciful…

Praises be to ALLAH…we praise him and ask his support and his forgiveness and his guidance…and we believe in him and rely on him and we compliment him with all good…I praise him plenty and blessed praises… And I testify that there is no God but ALLAH…and I testify that our lord, and our Muhammad His servant and messenger…and his chosen one from his creations and beloved one…I testify that he delivered the letter and did it well…and performed the obligation and did it well…and left us on the clear path its night like its day…no one deviates from it unless he’s perished…Oh ALLAH pray upon and bless our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…and grant him peace…And so… O’ servants of ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

Servants of ALLAH…Do you to be from those who benefit from their time or who don’t benefit? I ask you all a question…after Juma’a prayer…what’s your schedule? Did you plan yourself a program to do after Juma’a prayer? If you were from those who plan a certain program…after Juma’a prayer…the so-and-so time is for lunch…the so-and-so time I’ll visit relatives…the so-and-so time I’ll maintain prayers in the masjid…Al-Asr prayer…the so-and-so time I’ll read from the Quran… the so-and-so time I’ll gather with my family and children… the so-and-so time I’ll go to so and so…the so-and-so time I’ll sleep… by that, you’d be from those who benefit from their age…but if you didn’t program yourself…and didn’t put a certain schedule or plan…nothing in my mind!what do you have after the prayer?...nothing…I’ll have lunch then look…If I could go to so-and-so place I will…If I could sleep I’ll sleep…If I could do something I will…there’s nothing particular

His age will pass by like useless particles of dust…and will cry regretting missing those ages...we take refuge with ALLAH almighty and most majesty…that’s why we should benefit from life and time…Ok…what kind of benefit? How can I know if I benefit from my life?...Do you want to know? People’s scale today…is that whom his money and fortune increase it means that he benefits from his life…we say no…who said that? Scholars say…that mortal life…its lawful things are judgement [we will be judged and asked for it]...and it’s unlawful things are punishment[we’ll be punished if we commit them]...the lawful…where’s the lawful today? I want it…I look for it…the lawful 100%...Oh ALLAH sustain us the lawful good blessed food…Scholars say that the lawful of mortal life is judgement…then what about its suspicious and unlawful things?...that’s why some of previous good people…if they had money what does he do? He takes from it what he needs…and the rest he spends it[charity]...he takes what he needs for his family and children even the ones after…and if there was extra money he spends it…and if he spent it ALLAH gives him more…Scholars say who spends his money doesn’t get suffered by a disaster neither in his money nor in his children nor in his dependants…he doesn’t suffer…and if he did…he doesn’t think bad thoughts of ALLAH…whereas it’s rising a step(degree) over another…just as ALLAH tested his prophets and messengers… ... ((وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا لِكُلِّ نِبِيٍّ عَدُوّاً شَيَٰطِينَ ٱلإِنْسِ وَٱلْجِنِّ))...[ And so We have appointed to every Prophet an enemy, substituted by devils, the rebels, of mankind and jinn]...Every prophet...and that’s why I’ll try to abbreviate for you…because a speech about such thing will take a long time…I’ll divide your time…your time I’ll divide it all on 4 points…our 24 hours time I’ll divide it on 4 points no fifth for them…
  • Time you don’t benefit from it neither in life nor in the hereafter…
  • And time you benefit from it in life more than the hereafter…
  • And time you benefit from it in the hereafter more than life…
  • And time you benefit from it in life and in the hereafter…

as for the first time that you don’t benefit from it neither in life nor in the hereafter…leave it immediately...from now…leave this job that you don’t benefit from it neither in life nor in the hereafter…This is called a loss…destruction…you kill yourself…leave any work you don’t benefit from it neither in life nor in the hereafter...the second point…work you benefit from in life more than the hereafter…how shall I deal with it? We tell you…reduce it...reduce mortal life’s work…reduce it until they’re equal at least…and the third time…time…you benefit from it in the hereafter more than life…increase it...increase hereafter’s work…they’re the light of your grave on the day you’re resurrected…on the day you die…and the light of your face on the day you’re resurrected…we ask ALLAH almighty to make us from those who maintain their time…and the fourth time…is the time in which you benefit in life and in the hereafter… keep it...this is my time and yours…so you put yourself in this scale…and look at your times ,business, and needs…look at the work which you don’t benefit from neither in life nor in the hereafter leave it immediately don’t delay it...and the work that you benefit from in life more than the hereafter reduce it...and the work you benefit from in the hereafter more than in life increase it... and the work that you benefit from in life and in the hereafter keep it...then at the end of the speech…I tell you…How do I know if I gained benefit from my time?...Know that the benefit of time is in 2 things…
    1. More knowledge
    2. And getting closer to ALLAH…

this is the benefit of knowledge…more money is not included in the benefit of knowledge and benefit of time…what’s the use of having more money and I’m getting more ignorant?...what’s the use of that?...and then after that…the day that its sun rises and sets and you didn’t gain more knowledge is considered a bad day to you...Oh ALLAH make our days all in knowledge and learning…and knowledge…every type of knowledge you benefit from it...whether Islamic knowledge…(fiqh-tafseer-hadith-Usul) or other…or knowledge you benefit from in increasing your information…sciences of your body which ALLAH created for you…Nutrition sciences…Environmental sciences…Geographic sciences…Sciences of the seas…Sciences of different types benefit from them…Increase your knowledge...and then after that…the other knowledge…that increases your fear from ALLAH…and love for ALLAH…and preparing for the hereafter…benefit from it…I ask ALLAH almighty…to bless our lives.Oh ALLAH lengthen our ages…and bless our ages,money and children…O’most generous and most compassionate...and then grant peace and pray upon whom ALLAH ordered you to pray upon…whereas he said: ((إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلاَئِكَـتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِيِّ يٰأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسْلِيماً))...[ Indeed God and His angels bless the Prophet, Muhammad. O you who believe, invoke pray upon him and invoke peace upon him in a worthy manner, in other words, say: ‘O God, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace]...Oh ALLAH pray upon and grant peace and bless our Lord Muhammad… and his Pure family…and good righteous companions ...especially those of the high positions…our lords and imams Abu-bakr and Omar and Othman and Ali…and the ten of whom were informed to enter heaven…and people of Badr…and people Of Uhud…and people of Bay’at al ridwan… and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…Oh ALLAH rise Islam and champion Muslims…and humiliate un belief and disbelievers…Oh ALLAH destroy your enemies, enemies of Islam…Oh ALLAH set free the first of two directions(qibla)...and preserve the holy 2 Harams…and preserve these countries and all Muslim countries…from temptations and troubles and wars and pain and diseases…

Oh ALLAH champion Muslims in Palestine…and lift the affliction from out brothers in Iraq…Oh ALLAH make this country safe and peaceful…luxurious and welfare…and all Muslims’ countries oh Lord of the Worlds…Oh ALLAH have mercy on Sheikh.Zayed…and have mercy on Sheikh Maktoom…and have mercy on all Muslims and Sheikh.Nasser bin Zayed…and his colleagues…Oh ALLAH have a wide mercy on him…Oh the most generous and most compassionate…and bless Oh ALLAH our heir apparent and his representative…and all Emirates rulers oh most generous and most compassionate…Oh ALLAH bless our lives…bless our sustenance…bless our sons…bless our daughters…bless our conditions…oh ALLAH make us from those who are true to the covenant they made with ALLAH…oh ALLAH don’t blacken our faces on the day we’re resurrected to you…Oh ALLAH firm our feet if the path was set to us…and give us our books with our right hands if the books flew away…and let us drink from the hand of the prophet a drink that we never get thirsty after…Oh ALLAH bless our sons and daughters…and fill their times in memorizing Quran and memorizing sunna…and work in the way you love and please…Oh most generous and most compassionate…O’ servants of ALLAH… (( إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِٱلْعَدْلِ وَٱلإحْسَانِ وَإِيتَآءِ ذِي ٱلْقُرْبَىٰ وَيَنْهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلْفَحْشَاءِ وَٱلْمُنْكَرِ وَٱلْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ))….[ Indeed God enjoins justice and being fair, and virtue, performance of the religious obligations, or that you should worship God as if you were able to see Him, and giving to relatives, and He forbids lewdness, fornication, and abomination, He admonishes you, so that you might remember]...Remember ALLAH the greatest he remembers you…and thank him for his blessings he gives you more… (( وَلَذِكْرُ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ))... [And the remembrance of God is surely greater, than other acts of obedience, and God knows what you do]...and oh ALLAH bless who built this masjid…and who built for the sake of ALLAH a masjid…oh most generous and most compassionate…