Phases that pass by human in Life

Phases that pass by human in Life

Praises be to ALLAH…Praises be to ALLAH who created us مِّن ضَعْفٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ ضَعْفٍ قُوَّةً ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفاً)) [from a state of weakness, then He ordained after, a second, weakness, which is the weakness of the period of childhood, strength, that is, the strength of youth, then after strength He appointed weakness again]...then we shall return to him on the day of Resurrection… so that He’d requite every soul for what it has done…I praise him - almighty - plenty and blessed praises… and I testify that our lord, our prophet, our beloved one, our leader, and our idol Muhammad His servant and messenger… and his chosen one from his creations and beloved one…we testify that he delivered the letter and did it well…and performed the obligation and did it well…and left us on the clear path its night like its day…no one deviates from it unless he’s perished…Oh ALLAH pray and bless upon our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions…those who fast in daytime…and pray and stay up in nighttime…and those who ask ALLAH for his forgiveness in the part of night… may ALLAH be well-pleased from them and please them…may ALLAH inherit them the cherishment in life and honor in the hereafter…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…whereas they’re the people who were guided…and because of ALLAH’s bounty they were happy…and they meant no one but ALLAH…and they’re companions with the Quran...may ALLAH be well-pleased from them and please them ...they served their selves, souls, and money to present this religion…for all humanity… congratulations for those who enter in this religion… and congratulations for everyone who devoted his self, money, and soul for it…and grant him peace… Oh ALLAH pray and bless upon our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions… and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate… And so… O’ servants of ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

O’ servants of ALLAH… the human’s life…pass by four phases...four phases in your mortal life…and each phase has its characteristics, its place, its privileges and its negatives…four phases you pass by through your age…If one phase passes and you didn’t gain benefit from it then it won’t return back to you…and every breath you take in grants peace to the one before and says : Peace be upon you I won’t meet you until the Day of Resurrection…

Human’s heart’s pulse tells him…life is but minutes and seconds

That’s why…the phases that ALLAH made for the human…so he’d remember, gain benefit, be admonished, and do what he’s told…because every phase from the age phrases…has tasks that’s suitable to that age or that phase…If that phase passes by…then you won’t be able to perform the task because…the strength that ALLAH has given you suits the age you’re in… and the Messenger of ALLAH – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – explained this meaning in the famous, and well-known Hadith…( make good use of five matters before five matters would happen)...and he mentioned from those five things : your youth before you get old…your youth before you get old…and in another saying servant’s feet shall exceed which means it’s impossible to pass the path until he’s asked about four ...(no servant’s feet shall exceed unless he’s asked about four…no servant’s feet shall exceed means that they won’t exceed the path unless he’s asked about four…and from those questions… about his youth in what he wore it out and about his age in what he exterminated it… about his youth and age…it means that you’ll be asked about your age from its beginning to its end…and a special question about youth’s age…about his youth in what he wore it out…and about his age in what he exterminated it…and that’s why…youth’s age is significant...and something important depends on it…and before I enter in this…what are the age phases that you pass by O’ human ?...Scholars say…You pass by four phases in your life…

1) Young age

2) Youth age

3) Middle age

4) Old age

And the fifth is called the most abject stage of life, that is, the most diminished, because of old-age and senility...and the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – took refuge with ALLAH from this age...four phases from your age…young age, youth age, middle age, and old age…so look in what phase are you…scholars say…as for the young age…it starts from the differentiating age…which means from age six or seven till fifteen from your age...this is called young age…and most people, and creations miss this age…miss young age…because it was days of childhood…innocence... we were all kids…we didn’t have in mind worries about how to gain food…and you weren’t scared and you didn’t know what’s happening around you in life…you came out from your mother’s womb, and you saw your mother and father…your food is available…your mother plays with you…and you father plays with you…your brothers and sisters…you lived young age…and that’s why…scholars say that young age ...ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - mentioned it in the Quran…and the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – mentioned it in Sunna…a nature given by God, upon which He originated mankind... and that’s why the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said (Every child is not born in the natural state)... Does the child think of cheating? Does who think of murder ? Does he think of revenge ? Does he think of hatred ? it doesn’t come to his mind unless it comes from the outside…otherwise ALLAH created him the best creation…and the best form…and that’s why…when the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – tells…that ALLAH if he wanted to forgive a servant’s sins…and wanted to convert his sins into merits…and the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – wants to express this huge meaning…he says…he will come out as he was on the day on which his mother gave birth to him…as in the pilgrimage hadith : (‘Whoever does pilgrimage and does not have sexual relations nor commit wrongdoing will come out – and in another saying – returned from his sins as he was on the day on which his mother gave birth to him...and the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – wants to give you a real image…that brings back your memory to young days…as on the day your mother gave birth to you...your mother gave birth to you on the natural state…no instincts…No lusts…just childhood innocence…just innocence of the nature which ALLAH - almighty - originated people on it…- almighty and most majesty -...scholars say…when the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said he returned from his sins as he was on the day on which his mother gave birth to him… which is the natural state…his mom gave birth to him with neither sins nor misdeeds nor others…his mom gave birth to him on the natural state…on love…on sincerity…on innocence…on purity…we need all these nowadays…this is the first phase and I think that most of whom are in the masjid passed by this phase…and it won’t return…and it won’t return…yet you still can raise your children for what you’ve missed in the young age…if your parents didn’t raise you as supposed in young age…to memorize Quran for example…or to learn religious sciences…and to take advantage of strong memory…so requite what you’ve missed from your age and your children’s age on the young days…teach them Quran…teach them religious sciences…make them love masjids…bring them to scholars assemblies…in addition teach them life’s sciences…it’s ok…don’t miss the convoy, if you missed yours don’t miss your kids ‘... and your children...maybe you’re seventy…and ALLAH give you a very smart boy or girl… so you let her memorize Quran so she memorizes it before she enters age of puberty… so you’re considered… as if you memorized the Quran ...because the kids who memorize Quran…they put a golden crown or two on their parents’ heads ...golden crown…and every letter your son recites from the Quran…is on your merits’ scale…even if you were sleeping or so…If you teach your kids and let them memorize ALLAH’s - almighty and most majesty - book… but nowadays…what do we teach our children?... parents look for schools that teach English, computer, and life’s sciences…and they don’t care about religious sciences…maybe one them enters his sons to schools…that cost more than twenty thousand Dirhams yearly…more than twenty thousand Dirhams yearly…then what? We’re not against knowledge…we want our kids to learn but not on the religion’s account…so they’d forget their religion and language we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty I’ve seen lots of university’s youth…Arab…son of Arab… and maybe from an Arabic origin…if you speak to him with his Arabic language…he says pardon… I don’t understand your speech…can you please talk to me with the English language…we take refuge with ALLAH…This indicates that he doesn’t read Quran because he doesn’t know Arabic language…and who doesn’t read Quran neither understands, nor contemplates it, and it won’t stop him at his limits…because if the Quran doesn’t scare you, ALLAH’s words then what do you fear? ...(( فَذَكِّرْ بِٱلْقُرْآنِ مَن يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ)) So admonish by the Quran those who fear My threat, namely, believers…ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - says: ((فَذَكِّرْ بِٱلْقُرْآنِ)) admonish by the Quran…if you’re not admonished by the Quran…then you’re not from those who fear ALLAH - almighty -...what are you waiting for? Are waiting for Jibril to come down from the sky to threat you, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -...we ask ALLAH - almighty - to save us from the affliction…so this is the first phase…the second phase…it’s the youth phase...and this is your base…and this is your original age in which you can build your strong structure on it ...because what depends on this age…is the middle and old age…yet your age in your life in grave…and your age on the day of youth’s age as the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said that prayers is the pillar of the religion…also youth’s age is the pillar of your age…and is the base in which you construct high structures…in your youth’s age… that’s why scholars say…youth’s age begins from age sixteen…until age thirty-five… this is youth’s age…nowadays you find a person who turned fifty and says I’m young!...and he maybe turns more than forty and dyes his white hair with black color and says I’m young!...ok what have you done ? you only what to get married ? you only want to get a job ? you only want to raise money and fortunes ? It’s not like that…what’s meant is to gain benefit from this age…to you, your nation, your religion, and your city or country where you live…and this is the most dangerous phase of age, and most important…and this phase…was stroked by the enemies’ arrows… to our youth so they stroked them with lusts arrows… fornication arrows… drugs arrows… degraded songs arrows…alcohol arrows…mortal life and getting attached to it arrows…dancing, debauchery, and degradation arrows, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty you find young Muslims…waste their times in nonsense… and sins and obliviousness, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty fine them – we take refuge with ALLAH – spend their age

Time, and money…in going to malls we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -...they devote their ages…and travel to the outside…to be updated with what’s new…of mortal life’s issues we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...neither piety… nor faith… nor Quran…nor getting close to ALLAH…nor thinking of the nation…nor thinking of its youth…nor thinking of its women…nor thinking of its children…nor thinking of Holy Islamic landmarks… if our young men nowadays…are involved in these lusts and obliviousness…then I tell you…the future that the nation awaits…doesn’t portend with good news… if our youth were with such attributes…if our youth were with such attributes…and if our youth were on such level of obliviousness… we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -...I’ve seen with my own eyes…what bleeds the eye…young men…Muslims…from Muslim parents…you find one them wear clothes… that doesn’t show he’s a Muslim… young men walk in the streets…with trousers…that shows part of their rear we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty politeness… no decency…no bashfulness… bashfulness is dead…and you look at him in his eyes so he’d might understand…so he looks back and says : I’m free…I wear what I want…and if I want to be naked then I’ll do it, you have nothing to do with me…and you have no authority on me, why are you looking?...bashfulness is gone…morals and decency are gone…it’s true that this isn’t new in this world…and maybe in the Islamic country at the time of the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his family, and companion -...but not with such incivility and impudicity… we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty decency…even scholars say that from the Hour’s (the Resurrection, when it shall come to pass) mark is that forty people from this nation gather…in some sayings… forty people from the nation gather…and you don’t find one man to be shy from… that means that all of them lack of respect, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -...and are impudent with ALLAH, and with people, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...And that’s why the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his family ,and companion - raises…his sons and daughters…and the companion’s children…to fear ALLAH - almighty - and to cover their private parts…and to approach towards ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...they made them used to struggle for the sake of ALLAH…and strength, nobility, and bravery… and horsemanship, shooting, and swimming...scholars say… because horsemanship, shooting and swimming… one can rescue the other’s life…and defend his honor, country, society, or religion…but to have the best voice , what are do we do with your voice ?... or to have the best look, what do we do with your look?...of the woman is the most beautiful woman in the world what do we want from that ? or the woman – we take refuge with ALLAH – dances, sings, or debauchers well what use of that?...should we take out our women to dance in the streets?...or we make our children – we take refuge with ALLAH – his concern is how to lengthen his hair… and how to do plastic surgeries in his face… most people we see nowadays…says I don’t like my appearance…I want to change my nose…I want to change my eyebrows…I want to lengthen me hair…I want to make my stomach so and so…and my leg so and so…and so and so…etc…men and women…and don’t be surprised from the numerous beauty salons… many customers… men and women…beauty salons we used to hear that they’re for women…Massage salons and others we used to know they’re for women…but nowadays they’re for men as well… weird salons…I’ve seen and passed by many men salons in the streets…so I might find…so I found most barbers…what shall I say… third gender?...long hairs… feminine voices… we say these are effeminates… I was shy to enter to a barber… I didn’t know whether he’s a male or female…I even got so suspicious, that I looked does he have breasts or not… to this limit…does he have breasts or not, is he a male or female…the salon is written on its banner men’s salon…so I find no men… I see men and I don’t see men…almost men…Glory be to ALLAH…and you find that they have numerous young Muslims… what does this mean? What does this mean ? and you find that the barber’s payment is not less than fifty dirhams…or one hundred dirhams… ok these money are spent on whom?... who’s this man cutting your hair ?...who’s he?...our previous good people…didn’t go but to the religious barber.. they didn’t go, and if they cut their hair they start from the right side because its Sunna…did one of the Muslims go…did you see one of the Muslims go to the barber and tells him, if you want to cut my hair start from the right?...he’ll say where are you?...are you crazy?...the prophet’s – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – Sunna… to cut from the right...and the one might cut from his back… or from the front… and the problem is he wants to cut, so the barber asks him…do you want to cut your hair or beard…no beard…keep the hair long…and shave the beard don’t leave a single hair in it… So if I’d bring the paper I don’t hear a sound for it…glory be to ALLAH…glory be to ALLAH who adorned men with beards...and praises be to ALLAH we ask ALLAH - almighty - to set us on his obedience…and to set us on his satisfaction… and to make us from those who took advantage from this age…most companions in youth’s age…and most supporters were from the youth’s age…who built the masjid of messenger of ALLAH – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – but them?...they’re the young supporters…they used to carry the bricks on their backs…may ALLAH most majesty be well-pleased from them and please them… and the messenger of ALLAH – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – used to help them…and used to sing to them…Oh ALLAH there’s no life but the eternal one…so forgive the supporters and the emigrants…so they’d say Oh ALLAH there’s no life but the eternal one… and the messenger used to say so forgive the supporters and emigrants...may ALLAH be well-pleased from them and please them…and let us benefit from them…and returned our youth to their way…and honesty…and shame and manner…we’re talking about young men… as for young women…I ask ALLAH - almighty return them to their shame and decency…I swear…they’re few…and I don’t say scarce I say few… and I don’t say none, I saw few…you only see few of them… a committed girl…wearing scarf…wearing veil…covering her chest…walking with decency and bashfulness…in the street or anywhere else ...even many young men came to me and said O’ sheikh… I replied: yes?... he said: do you a descent girl, religious, wears scarf, has bashfulness and chastity?...I replied if ALLAH wills they’re available, why? He said : I want to get married…I replied: and you didn’t find ?...he said : I didn’t find…I’ve searched here and there ...and I’ve asked here and there…I found that most women show their faces with little of their hair…this the new fashion…why?...If they wanted to take the other saying that showing the face is not considered exposure then why showing few hair? it a step after another or what ? or you find some women…put a scarf or ‘‘sheila’’ on half of their heads… and the other half is shown to men we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty she dressed? Or naked?...we cant say she’s dresses…and we cant say she’s naked…but I say what the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said dressed naked…ALLAH’s prayers be upon you O’ lord O’ messenger of ALLAH…you were given comprehensive words… dressed naked…slanting tilting…they slant while walking… and tilt the men’s heart and eyes towards them…they lift their hair up like the camel’s hump and slant…they don’t enter heaven…and the don’t smell it…Oh ALLAH let us smell the scent oh heaven…and does anyone smell the scent of heaven in mortal life? Yes!...and the companions smelled it…when they stood in the battle fields…one of them say when he stood in Uhud’s battlefield…he says…I am smelling the scent of heaven from the side of Uhud…ALLAH Akbar…you lived in Mecca’s desert…or lived in Al- Medina… with mountains in front of you…and desert in your range of vision…and above you a sky and burning sun…and you say I find heaven’s scent…where are you? Are you in the first or second sky ? you’re on earth…are you dead or alive ?...but because of his immense faith and certainty… he’d almost see what’s beyond the unseen which is certainty...That the unseen becomes seen…as lord Ali said (if the cover was revealed, I wouldn’t be more certain)...((كَلاَّ لَوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عِلْمَ الْيَقِينِ* لَتَرَوُنَّ الْجَحِيمَ)) [No indeed, verily were you to know with certain knowledge * you would surely see hell-fire ] – in mortal life – ((ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّهَا عَيْنَ الْيَقِينِ)) [Again, you will surely see it with the eye of certainty] – in the hereafter – ((ثُمَّ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ ٱلنَّعِيمِ)) [Then, on that day, the day you see it, you will assuredly be questioned about the comforts of the world, the health, leisure, security, food, drink and other things which one enjoys in this world ]...we ask ALLAH - almighty - to repent on us a true repentance…this is a call to young Muslims, males and females , to return to ALLAH’s book and the prophet’s Sunna…and to be aware of the unbeliever’s invasion…to our country and throwing youths in degradation damps…and phone conversation’s damp…or by computer or by internet…or falling in impudence damps…or debauchery, we take refuge with ALLAH… no Palestine shall be free… year after year passes by…decade after decade…Muslim generations die…and Palestine is still under the authority of the worst enemies of the world…whom ALLAH cursed…by all prophets’ tongues…and still…young Muslims…couldn’t do the right of their Muslim brothers in this issue…because they’re unprepared…Our possessions and our families kept us occupied…we ask ALLAH - almighty - to return us to his book…and to return our youth to ALLAH’s book…and his prophet’s – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his family, and companion – Sunna…I say this speech and Ask ALLAH the greatest to forgive you and me…Ask his forgiveness he’s the forgiver and merciful…

Praises be to ALLAH…we praise him and ask his support and ask his forgiveness and ask his guidance…and we believe in him and rely on him and we adjoin all good to him…I praise him plenty and blessed praises… And I testify that there is no God but ALLAH…and I testify that our lord, and our Muhammad His servant and messenger…and his chosen one from his creations and beloved one…I testify that he delivered the letter and did it well…and performed the obligation and did it well…and left us on the clear path its night like its day…no one deviates from it unless he’s perished…Oh ALLAH pray and bless upon our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…and grant him peace…And so… O’ servants of ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

Servants of ALLAH…one day… my wife asked me to go with her so she’d sew a cloak(abaya) for herself… and I went… and I’ve seen the most terrible…I’ve seen the most terrible…and maybe you’ve seen some shops, not all… we don’t generalize… but I say what I’ve seen…I’ve seen girls…asking the tailor who sews the cloak, to come and take the measurements on her body…and of course the man is happy…joyful…he comes and takes the measurements from here, under her breasts, at her waist, at and at…and may ALLAH cover on us and Muslim girls…this woman where is her father? I don’t say she’s from western countries…or from eastern countries…or from African jungles… with all my respect to all countries…but she’s from an Arabic, Muslim country…so she comes to this man… isn’t he a man?...or he’s from the other nationality so he’s not considered a man… he’s a man… with an instinct… and lust… and…and… we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty and most majesty when he sees a gorgeous girl…and above all that…you smell perfume and incense from the distance of so and so meters… what next?...then if he do it with her we take refuge with ALLAH… we say it’s your fault? We say you O’ werewolf, you’re the one to blame?... we don’t blame him…the portion is between them…and that’s why ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - mentioned…and said : ((ٱلزَّانِيَةُ لاَ يَنكِحُهَآ إِلاَّ زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ)) [the fornicatress shall be married by none except a fornicator or an idolater]... because it’s not descent for the man with chastity… who guarded his private parts from the unlawful… to marry a girl who’s a fornicatress or fornicated, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -... and vice versa…Islam is concerned about guarding private parts and houses…if the girl has chastity… honor… purity… and was raised well… then a man proposes to her… after doing it with impudent immoral fornicatress… and says I want to get married… why don’t you marry whom you’ve slept with?... he says no… I want to marry a girl with chastity…far-etched!...((ٱلزَّانِي لاَ يَنكِحُ إِلاَّ زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً)) [The fornicator shall not marry anyone but a fornicatress or an idolatress]... unless who repents... unless who repents, if the fornicator or the fornicatress repented, then it’s fine… that’s why notice the Quran’s words…the fornicator, which means he’s still fornicating… it didn’t say who fornicated shall not marry anyone but who fornicated… and this is from the ingenuity of the Holy Quran…so no one from Holland or else, comes and impeaches us in the Quran… and that’s why who doesn’t know the Arabic language… and impeaches our religion… we say take a course… instead of taking foreign languages courses… English, French, Urdu or else… learn your language so you’d understand the Quran… so no dutch or else comes and impeaches your language…and you don’t know… because you neither knew nor learned… and I ask people… to learn their Arabic language…how beautiful and wonderful is our language… and how wondrous… we ask ALLAH - almighty - to let us taste the sweetness of our language and Quran’s language…

We ask ALLAH - almighty - to let us succeed…one Bedouin came to the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him -... and said O’ messenger of ALLAH…read to me something from the Quran… not too mush, just a little… don’t read neither Surat Al-Baqara nor Surat Al-Imran…just a little…so the messenger of ALLAH said ok… so he read to him Surat Al-Zalzala…In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful ...((إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ ٱلأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا)) [When earth is shaken, when it is rocked for the rising of the Hour, with its final quake, with its most violent rocking, one that befits its magnitude]... the teller says…and Al-Hafith Ibn Kathir mentioned it in the explanation… I saw the man… his parts were shivering…and he opened his eyes…due to the intensity that entered his heart… Glory be to ALLAH…he said : ((وَأَخْرَجَتِ ٱلأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا)) ...[ and the earth brings forth its burdens, casting them onto its surface]... and the man freaks out and gets scared… until the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – finished… the man said enough O’ Messenger of ALLAH…enough!...Peace be upon you, Peace be upon you too…what did the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said ?...he said the man is knowledgeable... this Sura in enough for him…(( إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ ٱلأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا* وَأَخْرَجَتِ ٱلأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا)) [When earth is shaken, when it is rocked for the rising of the Hour, with its final quake, with its most violent rocking, one that befits its magnitude * and the earth brings forth its burdens, casting them onto its surface ]...what are earth’s burdens? Graves!...(( وَإِذَا ٱلْقُبُورُ بُعْثِرَتْ))[ and when the tombs are overturned, [when] their earth [above them] is dug up and its dead are raised ]... ((أَفَلاَ يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي ٱلْقُبُورِ* وَحُصِّلَ مَا فِي ٱلصُّدُورِ)) [Does he not know that, when that which is in the graves, in the way of the dead, is strewn, when it is turned over and brought out, that is to say, that when they are raised * and that which is in the breasts, the hearts, of disbelief or faith, is obtained, when it is revealed and examined ]... ((وَإِذَا ٱلْقُبُورُ بُعْثِرَتْ)) [and when the tombs are overturned, [when] their earth [above them] is dug up and its dead are raised ]... and that’s why…((وَأَخْرَجَتِ ٱلأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا* وَقَالَ ٱلإِنسَانُ مَا لَهَا))...[and the earth brings forth its burdens, its hidden treasures and its dead, casting them onto its surface * and man, the disbeliever in resurrection, says, What is wrong with it? in denial of that situation]...On the Day of Resurrection… ((قَالُواْ يٰوَيْلَنَا مَن بَعَثَنَا مِن مَّرْقَدِنَاَ)) [They, the disbelievers among them, will say, O’ or destruction, Who has raised us from our place of sleep?] the angels say : ((هَذَا مَا وَعَدَ ٱلرَّحْمـٰنُ وَصَدَقَ ٱلْمُرْسَلُون))... [This, that is, [this] raising, is that which the Compassionate One had promised and, regarding which, the messengers had spoken the truth ]...Glory be to ALLAH…((وَقَالَ ٱلإِنسَانُ مَا لَهَا* يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبَارَهَا* بِأَنَّ رَبَّكَ أَوْحَىٰ لَهَا* يَوْمَئِذٍ يَصْدُرُ ٱلنَّاسُ أَشْتَاتاً لِّيُرَوْاْ أَعْمَالَهُمْ)) [and man, the disbeliever in resurrection, says, ‘What is wrong with it? in denial of that situation * On that it shall relate its chronicles, it shall inform of the good and evil deeds committed in it * for its Lord will have inspired it, that is, He will have commanded her to do this, to testify to every single deed committed by every servant and handmaiden upon its surface * On that day mankind shall issue forth, they will depart from the site of the Reckoning, in separate groups, divided up, so that those taking it their book by the right hand will go to Paradise, while those taking it by the left hand will go to the Fire, to be shown their deeds, that is, the requital for them, in either Paradise or the Fire] the rest of the verses…the man is knowledgeable… don’t we have knowledge?... may ALLAH return us to his book and Sunna… and I notice that time passes by… so I’ll abbreviate the speech… and I say the third phase which is the middle age…and starts from after age thirty five to almost fifty-five, or fifty…and this is called middle age… then after that… old age after that to seventy or eighty… then after ninety… is called the most abject stage of life, that is, the most diminished, because of old-age and senility…and the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his family, and companion – took refuge with ALLAH from this age... and who turns forty… I tell you a Hadith angel calls daily and says : sons of 40…you’re crops that its harvest approached… crops that its harvest approached... so who turns forty should be prepared to death this what it means… because your age countdown begins… to drop and you almost die and enter your grave… ((قَالَ يٰلَيْتَ قَوْمِي يَعْلَمُونَ* بِمَا غَفَرَ لِي رَبِّي وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ ٱلْمُكْرَمِينَ)) [‘O would that my people knew* with what munificence my Lord has forgiven me, would that they knew of His great forgiveness, and made me of the honored ones]...I ask ALLAH - almighty - to lengthen our ages… and to bless our ages…... youth age, middle age, and old age…

and then grant peace and pray upon whom ALLAH ordered you to pray upon…whereas he said: ((إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلاَئِكَـتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِيِّ يٰأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسْلِيماً))...[ Indeed God and His angels bless the Prophet, Muhammad ...O you who believe, invoke pray upon him and invoke peace upon him in a worthy manner, in other words, say: ‘O God, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace]...Oh ALLAH pray upon and grant peace and bless our Lord Muhammad… and his Pure family…and good righteous companions… and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…Oh ALLAH rise Islam and champion Muslims…and humiliate disbelievers…Oh ALLAH destroy your enemies of Islam…Oh ALLAH set free the 1st of two directions(qibla)...and preserve the holy haram…and preserve these countries and all Muslim countries…from temptations and troubles and wars and pain and diseases…Oh ALLAH don’t leave neither a sin on this day but you forgive it… nor a defect but cover it…nor a sick person but you cure him… nor a person with affliction but you heal him… nor a dead person but you have mercy on him… nor a struggler for your sake but you champion him… Oh ALLAH champion Muslims in Palestine… and in Gazza and In Iraq and everywhere…and preserve these countries and all Muslim countries… and have mercy on Sheikh…Zayed and Sheikh Maktoum…and bless Oh ALLAH our heir apparent and his representative…and all Emirates rulers…and guide them to the benefications and to what you love and please…O’ most generous…and all Muslim rulers…... Oh ALLAH guide them to work by the book and Sunna…and to benefit Islam and Muslims… O’ most generous…Oh ALLAH guide young Muslims, male and female… Oh ALLAH their conditions are not hidden to you… they’re drowned in suspicions and lusts…we ask you oh ALLAH to rescue them…and to let them return to your book and your prophet’s Sunna…and to the rise of their religion and Quran…O’ most generous and O’ most compassionate…((رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلْخَاسِرِينَ)) [Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, by our act of disobedience, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall surely be among the lost]...servants of ALLAH… (( إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِٱلْعَدْلِ وَٱلإحْسَانِ وَإِيتَآءِ ذِي ٱلْقُرْبَىٰ وَيَنْهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلْفَحْشَاءِ وَٱلْمُنْكَرِ وَٱلْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ))…...[ Indeed God enjoins justice and being fair, and virtue, performance of the religious obligations, or that you should worship God as if you were able to see Him, and giving to relatives, and He forbids lewdness, fornication, and abomination, He admonishes you, so that you might remember]...Remember ALLAH the greatest he remembers you…and thank him for his blessings he gives you more… (( وَلَذِكْرُ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ))... [And the remembrance of God is surely greater, than other acts of obedience, and God knows what you do]...