The Effect of getting ready in Ramadan

The Effect of getting ready in Ramadan

Praises be to ALLAH…who made us Muslims…and asked us to fast Ramadan…and cast down in it, the Holy Quran…and made us from the best nations sent to the world…I praise him - almighty and most majesty - plenty and blessed praises…and I testify that there’s no God but ALLAH alone without a partner…One in himself, One is his attributes, One in his names, One in his Actions, One in his orders, and One in his prohibitions…” لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْبَصِيرُ ” [There is nothing like. He is the Hearer, of what is said, the Seer, of what is done.]...I praise Him plenty and blessed praises…and I testify that there’s no God but ALLAH alone without a partner…and I testify that our lord,our prophet,our beloved one Muhammad his servant and messenger…the best of whom fasted Ramadan…and whp prayed in Ramadan ...and who had pre-dawn mean in Ramadan…and who recited Quran in Ramadan…and who read Quran in Ramadan…Oh ALLAH bless, grant peace, and pray upon him and his family, and companions, and wives, and children, and who followed their way and method until the Day of Resurrection…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…and so…O’ servants, and people of No God but ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

Fearing God of the worlds is a rise and protection…In the mortal world and in the hereafter…it has richness of both abodes so cling to it…and be committed you shall get what wish and desire…and who loses fearing ALLAH and ignore it…he’ll be covered at then end with regrets…and whom mortal life was his extreme wish…he loses on the Day of Resurrection…

Servants of ALLAH…today we say farewell to the last day of Sha’ban month…how fast is it…when did it enter, so it would leave and end ? Glory be to ALLAH it’s all counted in your life…counted from your life’s credit…until true promise comes…and until death comes, so you leave this life poor, owned, and not an owner…whereas today you might own and tomorrow you don’t…you are all owned to the king of the kings - almighty and most majesty -...but what cheers out hearts is that a great, exalted, the greatest of all months, and the happiest month to the heart of every truthful believer with ALLAH - almighty crescent shall shine to you, maybe tonight or tomorrow, we ask ALLAH - almighty - to let it shine on us with welfare, faith, safety, and peace…crescent of welfare and blessings…My God and yours is ALLAH...this was the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – prayer when he saw the crescent…and there’s nothing greater than the crescent of Ramadan…souls long to it…hearts miss it…month of the believer…month of the Muslim…month of the truthful with ALLAH…month of the God-fearing…month of the escaper to ALLAH…month of those who hasten, and races to gain ALLAH’s pleasure…this is your month O’ believers...O’ you who want blessings come forward, and you who want evil back off…there’s no month heavier on the hypocrites more than Ramadan…and there’s no other month better than Ramadan…oh ALLAH make us from the people of Ramadan…and make us from those who fast, pray, and recite Quran in it…O’ servants…maybe tonight you’ll hear the media telling you, we congrat you with the entrance of Ramadan today or after tomorrow…I wonder are you ready…is your heart ready? Is your inner self ready? Are you prepared for this guest ? what did you prepare for it? I don’t say what did you prepare from food…it’s called month of fasting not month of eating…not month of full tables…not month of restaurants and drinks…it’s month of fasting…why are the scales reversed? Yes…you and me…we’re supposed to feed the poor and the needy, yet even the wealthy…even the wealthy…you’re allowed to feed the wealthy because he’s fasting…and there’s no month, where wealthy and poor Muslims are equal more than the month of fasting…glory be to ALLAH, even the poor is allowed to donate with half a date so he’d take the merits of the wealthy…so the wealthy and poor are equal in feeding who’s fasting…what a great month…and what great whiffs…but how’s our preparation for this month? Previous good people before you if it passed…if 6 months were left for Ramadan they prepared themselves…and got ready fot it…and the first thing they get ready with is by praying to ALLAH that they live until they reach this month…they live until this month enters, and they’re in their complete health…and wealth…and cleverness…and it’s today if ALLAH wills, if you God wills, Ramadan will enter and you still understand, and your eyes still see, and your ears still hear, and your heart still pulses, and your feet still walks…and blood is still running in your veins…so praises be to ALLAH for this blessing…and praises be to ALLAH for this bounty…what did you prepare for Ramadan…Ramadan has come, and will come with rewards… The least reward…The least reward in Ramadan that you come out from your sins like the day on which your mother gave birth to you... ALLAH is the greatest…the least reward? As merchants say if they wanted to show their cars, they say this car costs 20,000 as a start…as a start, and no limit for the end…Ramadan the least reward in it to come out from your sins like the day you were born, purified, on your nature…on testimony…on clarity…on being chosen…glory be to ALLAH…and don’t wonder because it’s a giving from the Giver…He’s ALLAH…if you ask why is ALLAH giving? ALLAH - almighty - told you and me ...” هَـٰذَا عَطَآؤُنَا فَٱمْنُنْ أَوْ أَمْسِكْ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ ” [This is Our gift. So bestow, grant thereof to whomever you wish, or withhold, from giving, without any reckoning]...yo cant count…and that’s why it came in the hadith…– ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – says talking about his God - almighty - this is called al-hadith al-qudsi…he says the merit, is ten times more…ALLAH tells you in al-hadith al-qudsi until 700 times until what ALLAH wills (except fasting it’s for me, and I recompense with it)...he leaves his food and drink, and in another saying, he leaves his food, drink, and lusts for me…except fasting it’s for me and I recompense with it...and that’s why Scholars say that the merit of prayer is known, and the merit of alms is known, and the merit of pilgrimage is known…pilgrimage…‘Whoever does pilgrimage and does not have sexual relations nor commit wrongdoing, what’s the result? returned from his sins as he was on the day on which his mother gave birth to him…this is pilgrimage’s reward…as for Ramadan the least rewards in it, is the reward of pilgrimage…glory be to ALLAH…the least thing…and maybe one you gains this prize with the first night of Ramadan…how are you O’ Muslim? What’s your condition from the first time Ramadan enters and you were truthful with ALLAH, and you repented to ALLAH…asking forgiveness for your sins…happy with your God’s good tidings you are happy…you are happy because ALLAH will give you a reward, so maybe he gives you the least one, which is to come out from your sins like the day your mother gave birth to you…Oh ALLAH don’t deprive us from that forgiveness and don’t deprive us from that reward and don’t deprive us from that gift and don’t deprive us from that present…you were truthful O’ messenger of ALLAH…he said Amen to Gabriel – Peace be upon him – prayers…who lived until Ramadan and his sins weren’t forgiven…he didn’t say who lived until Ramadan , and wasn’t set free…he didn’t say who lived until Ramadan and his God didn’t have mercy on him…who said who lived until Ramadan and his sins weren’t forgiven, because this is the least thing, which all are equal in…all are equal in…glory be to ALLAH…and that’s why O’ beloved ones be prepared…are you prepared? Or Muslims are sleeping? Or they’re busy? O’ beloved ones, Ramadan is crying for his people…he misses smilingm happy faces…enlightened faces, faces of your ancestors which Ramadan knew with their crying…their longing…their moaning…their praying…their fasting…their praying in late parts of night…theit reciting with a tone…their reciting to Quran…you find them as if they were records in the masjid if they pray to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -, the read the book, sweetly, in series and easily…they recite it, and their skins, stomachs, insides, skins, and feelings shiver from fearing ALLAH - almighty -...this is your life…live the life of religion…live a life with Quran…live a life with ALLAH…we live in a time of matter…matters transgressed…laicism transgressed, until one of us thinks only in his mortal life’s future, and how his condition will be after 2 or 3 years, or how his account will be, or how the price of shares will be…where’s Ramadan? Aside…this how you greet it? This how you greet your God’s gift? This how Muslims greet their month? Some people greet Ramadan and gets satellites, so he’d spend Ramadan night watching series or movies or degraded songs, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -...and most wondrous is that some call that give life to Ramadan nights…you’re bringing it to life? You’re making it die…you’re killing yourself…have mercy on yourself…until when and you…how many movies and series your eyes have seen? Don’t you see? Aren’t you aware? You’re stroked by white hair or almost…search for a white hair in your head or beard, if you have a beard…search for a white hair…it might be hiding…it came in some traces who reached forty…forty years…

who becomes 40 and his good deeds didn’t prevail his evil deeds then there’s no good in him ...if you turn forty and your good deeds didn’t prevail your evil deeds, then there’s no good in you…why?...and why forty specifically ? they said forty, because more than half of your age has passed…if we assume that your age is sixty or seventy, or the most is eighty, so your age is the half…and ages of my nation as – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – said are between sixty and seventy…and very few who exceed that, and rarely reaches ninety, and very rarely reaches hundred…glory be to ALLAH…and that’s why if you turned forty or almost did, and you didn’t file yourself obedient to good deeds, then beware O’ brother…wake up…beware…contemplate…return to your God - almighty and most majesty -...we ask ALLAH - almighty - to wake us from our obliviousness, He’s the most generous and most compassionate…O’ servants of ALLAH, I don’t want to tell you bounties of Ramadan, you all know them…I don’t want to tell you that if Ramadan comes, heaven’s gates are opened, and hell’s gates are closed, and devils are chained…and a caller calls, they said it’s Gabriel, everyone hears this call in the universe except mankind and jinn, they don’t hear…they don’t hear…everything ALLAH created from angels, and animals, hear Gabriel’s call O’ you who want blessings come forward, and you who want evil back off , approach to your masjids…approach towards ALLAH - almighty -...Gabriel calls you O’ you who want blessings come forward…erect these masjids…erect them…scholars say that masjids testify against its companion on the Day of Resurrection, and says O’ God my neighbour here and there, hears the call and doesn’t respond…and he doesn’t respond…yet some of them hears the call, and prayer’s iqama, and leaves his house, and enters his car and walks…come…your God is calling you…why are you turning your back to the masjid? Why are you giving it your back? this how you treat ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...we ask ALLAH - almighty - safety and health in that…everything ALLAH created from mankind and jinn hear it…we don’t hear it because our ears heard, and is filled with impudent songs…from nonsense…from degraded speech…how many times your ears heard speech…and sins, and if you want Ramadan to be good for you…then I recommend you, after I recommend yourself with an advice, whereas I’m if ALLAH wills, I’m truthful adviser…I recommend you O’ beloved ones, it’s supposed to be from before, yet we’ve mentioned it in other lectures, but in Juma speech because brothers are gathered I’ll recommend you…

first thing from this hour…from this moment…repent to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...

repent to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...and ALLAH wants to repent on you…((وَٱللَّهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَيُرِيدُ ٱلَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ ٱلشَّهَوَاتِ أَن تَمِيلُواْ مَيْلاً عَظِيماً)) [And God desires to turn forgivingly towards you, desire that you deviate with a terrible deviation, transgressing what is right by committing what has been forbidden you, so that you might be like them]...glory be to ALLAH…if ALLAH wants to repent on you, why O’ brother you’re not repenting? Why don’t you return to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...taste the sweetness of obeying ALLAH - almighty -...take the opportunity…take advantage of this time…gain benefit from Ramadan...that’s why a true repentance, and to be more practical...who could go after juma prayers, or asr prayer today to visit the nearest graveyard…visit…listen to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - words…go and think…grant peace on the dead people in their graveyard, and ask them how are they doing…and pray for them, then sit for almost an hour and think…I wonder where will my grave be? In this graveyard or here or there or what? Or what? Until you return from the visit, and your heart is admonished, and you’ve intended to try hard, and renewed your repentance…the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – says ” Death is enough to be an admonisher “...Death is enough to be an admonisher…

last week…I was watching a video on the internet…a part about one from the good people, we think he is, and we don’t praise anyone on ALLAH…he was giving a speech in the masjid, and this part, glory be to ALLAH, is very affective…during giving his speech, he was talking about Lord Moses – Peace be upon him -...during the speech, and during the lecture, his eyes were raised to the sky, and his voice started to fade, until he dropped on his right side, and ALLAH - almighty - took his soul…what a great end…Oh ALLAH we ask you to have a good end ,, he dies in a masjid, after he prayer al-maghrib or al-isha or al-fajr, because the part showed that it was in the noght, so it might be dawn, or dusk, or evening, and he was giving a speech…and he was an old man, glory be to ALLAH…and what’s wondrous is that, when I saw the part, I saw his eyes looking at the sky, and said this is a sign of death and not fainting, because the dead mean dies and his eyes are opened upwards…do you know why? Because he looks at his soul, when angel of death grabs it…he looks at it because the soul ascends to the first sky, if it was a good soul the first sky opens it gates…so and so’s soul welcome! Then the second then third…then fourth until the Merciful’s throne…Oh ALLAH make our souls good, and let us die with a good end…how would you like to die while praying in Ramadan? While you’re prostrating in Ramadan? While you’re reciting Quran in Ramadan? While you’re having iftar (breaking the fast meal) in Ramadan? While you’re having suhur (pre-dawn meal) in Ramadan? While you’re asking God’s forgiveness in Ramadan? While you’re feeding the needy in Ramadan? Or who ALLAH lets him succeed, went to visit Al-Ka’ba in Ramadan, so it will gain its merits…or do you want to die in a coffeehouse? And in your hand a cigarette or narghile, we take refuge with ALLAH - almighty -, or watching forbidden scenes? Oh ALLAH cure us from your affliction, and sustain us with praising your blessings, and make us from your best servants…Amen, Oh ALLAH Amen…Servants of ALLAH…I recommend you to fear ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...and be prepared for Ramadan with truthful repentance to ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...

the next point to greet Ramadan is to make yourself a schedule...

you’re supposed…to be ready…ready from now…waiting for the crescent to shine…scheduling yourself…you put a schedule for religious work…work to get near to ALLAH - almighty -...for praying…reciting…to finish the Quran once, twice, or 3 times make yourself a schedule…who did that? who did that, I congrats him and tell him you’re from those who succeed if ALLAH wills…or the other who didn’t think I say you have few hours left…be careful, whereas ALLAH - almighty - made Ramadan a forgiver for your sins, so repent to him, and return to him - almighty and most majesty -...ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - says : ((تِلْكَ ٱلدَّارُ ٱلآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلَّذِينَ لاَ يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوّاً فِي ٱلأَرْضِ وَلاَ فَسَاداً وَٱلْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ))...[ That is the Abode of the Hereafter, namely, Paradise, which We shall grant to those who do not desire to be haughty in the earth, through insolence, nor [to cause] corruption, by committing acts of disobedience. And the, praiseworthy, sequel will be for those who fear, God’s punishment, by performing deeds of obedience.]...I say this speech and Ask ALLAH the the greatest to forgive you and me…Ask his forgiveness he’s the forgiver and merciful…

Praises be to ALLAH…we praise him and ask his support and ask his forgiveness and ask his guidance…and we believe in him and rely on him and we adjoin all good to him ...I praise him plenty and blessed praises… And I testify that there is no God but ALLAH…and I testify that our lord,and our Muhammad His servant and messenger…and his chosen one from his creations and beloved one…I testify that he delivered the letter and did it well…and performed the obligation, and advised the nation, and ALLAH revealed sadness with him, and he struggled for sake of ALLAH death came to him…and left us on the clear path its night like its day…no one deviates from it unless he’s perished…Oh ALLAH pray and bless upon our Lord Muhammad…and his Pure family…and good righteous companions…and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…and grant him peace…And so… O’ servants of ALLAH…I recommend you and my mistaken guilty self to fear ALLAH…

The third recommendation…our speech today is practical so please work with it…

the third recommendation, we said the first point is to renew repentance with ALLAH…the second is to make yourself a schedule to get close to ALLAH in Ramadan and in other months…the third point is to promise ALLAH that you don’t miss a prayer

, and you promise him to maintain the imposed prayers on time in the first row with the Imam’s first time he says: ALLAHu akbar…listen to the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – hadith in Al- Tirmithi sunna…– ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – says : ‘‘Who prayed forty” which means forty days…prayed prayers in forty days, and Ramadan is 30, add 10 days from Shawwal, and we don’t say only in Ramadan but we say a start in Ramadan, make it a starting point in Ramadan until death comes…with the will of ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...– ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – says ” who prayed forty; forty days, and overhauls the imam saying for the first time ALLAHU akbar, he’s innocent from two things…two innocence are written for him”...what are these two innocene? “innocence from hell and innocence from hypocrisy@...innocence means that you’re no a hypocrite…you’re a believer…who’s writing?ALLAH…and ALLAH if he writes something it doesn’t change, - almighty and most majesty’re a believer and from heaven’s people, with the will of ALLAH - almighty and most majesty -...this opportunity is in front of you…the opportunity is in front of you…make Ramadan a starting point…renew your repentance with ALLAH - almighty -, and say if ALLAH wills not only from the first night in Ramadan…from now, from al juma prayers…and continue until ALLAH takes your soul…I’ll maintain prayers in the first rows…– ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – says :“the best rows of men are those in the beginning, and the wost are in the end@...these are the prophet’s words, not mine…don’t be sad from me ,, and angry from me ,, these are the words of the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him want to be from the best approach…come forward…scholars say who approached in the first rows in mortal life, became in the first rows with the messenger – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him -...what do want? To be with the messenger in the first, second or third row…come in the first, second, or third row in mortal life…mortal life is a farm of the hereafter…you sow here…and reap there…Oh ALLAH make us from those vie with one another in good works, and strive with acts of obedience and acceptance of these…” فَٱسْتَبِقُواْ ٱلْخَيْرَاتِ ” [so vie with one another in good works, strive with acts of obedience and acceptance of these ]...ALLAH - almighty and most majesty - says…so this is the third point to maintain the imposed prayers…dawn, noon, afternoon, dusk, and evening…

the fifth point is to maintain al taraweeh prayers complete pray them completely…yes there’s a disagreement between scholars…is it 20 or 8 ra’kas or else…it’s not from the speech’s field to talk about this issue…so I say if you want to take the famous saying that it’s 20, then pray 20, and if you take the other saying that it’s 8, then pray 8…but! If you deducted 2 ra’kas you wont take the merits of praying in accordance to some sayings…this is tough speech…scholars said in accordance to the hadith of the prophet – ALLAH’s prayers and peace be upon him – whereas he said:” Anyone who prays in Ramadan motivated by belief and in expectation of the reward will be forgiven his past wrong actions”...... scholars said prayed in Ramadan every night…if one night you didn’t pray, you don’t enter in this reward…ok you might say I was busy…I was sick…something came up I couldn’t pray al-taraweeh…I tell you as scholars said, execute them on the next day…because some scholars say that you can execute supererogatory prayers in a certain time…like al-rawatib…if you miss al-fajr’s sunna then pray it after al – fajr as execution even after sunrise…it’s sunna to execute them…these supererogatory are in specific times… as for those which aren’t in a specific time…it’s not from the sunna to execute them which is called absolute supererogatory…I hope the issue is cleared if ALLAH wills…say from this night, I wont miss it…if you were from those who try hard, I recommend you to postpone al-witr till the end of night which is called al tahajjud prayers… Al- tahajjud prayers…I ask ALLAH - almighty - to make us succeed for what He loves and please…

The sixth recommendation : Ramadan shouldn’t enter, and I your heart has animosity, envy, hate, or arrogance...

clean your heart don’t be deprived from forgiveness…clean your heart don’t be deprived…this is the most important point, we ask ALLAH - almighty - to purify ourselves...

the seventh point and might be the last, so I wouldn’t stay so long…who’s impious to his parents, repent to ALLAH...

who cuts off his relatives, he should be bashful from ALLAH…regardless of the reasons…regardless of the reasons, you shouldn’t cut off your parents or relatives…regardless of the reasons even if they converted from Islam…even if your father, we take refuge with ALLAH, we assumed that he converted from Islam, don’t cut him off…because ALLAH recommended them even if they were unbelievers, in the Quran…how if they were Muslims?...I ask ALLAH - almighty - to let us succeed for what he loves and please…and the speech gets longer, and if ALLAH wills we talk in next lessons ...” ربَّنَا ٱغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَإِسْرَافَنَا فِيۤ أَمْرِنَا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وٱنْصُرْنَا عَلَى ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلْكَافِرِينَ ” [Our Lord, forgive us our sins and our excesses, our overstepping the bounds, in our affairs, a declaration of the fact that what had befallen them was the result of their evil actions and a humbling of their selves, and make firm our feet, with strength for the struggle, and help us against the unbelieving folk] ...

and then grant peace and pray upon whom ALLAH ordered you to pray upon…whereas he said: ((إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلاَئِكَـتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِيِّ يٰأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسْلِيماً))...[ Indeed God and His angels bless the Prophet, Muhammad (s). O you who believe, invoke pray upon him and invoke peace upon him in a worthy manner, in other words, say: ‘O God, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace]...Oh ALLAH pray upon and grant peace and bless our Lord Muhammad… and his Pure family…and good righteous companions… and upon us and with them O’ most compassionate…Oh ALLAH rise Islam and champion muslims…and humiliate disbelievers…Oh ALLAH destroy your enemies enemies of Islam…Oh ALLAH set free the 1st of two directions(qibla)...and preserve the holy haram…and preserve these countries and all muslim countries…from temptations and troubles and wars and pain and diseases… Oh ALLAH as you let us live until Rajab and Sha’ban…let us live until Ramadan, and make us from those who fast, pray, contemplate and recite the holy Quran…Oh ALLAH purify ourselves and hearts, and make us from those who obey and approach to you…repent on us a sincere repentance O’ most generous and most compassionate…Oh ALLAH set our necks free in Ramadan…Oh ALLAH forgive our sins in Ramadan…Oh ALLAH have mercy on all of us in Ramadan…Oh ALLAH drive us away from disobedience in Ramadan and in other months…let it return to us years after years, with your mercy O’ most compassionate…O’ most compassionate…servants of ALLAH…...... (( إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِٱلْعَدْلِ وَٱلإحْسَانِ وَإِيتَآءِ ذِي ٱلْقُرْبَىٰ وَيَنْهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلْفَحْشَاءِ وَٱلْمُنْكَرِ وَٱلْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ))….[ Indeed God enjoins justice and being fair, and virtue, performance of the religious obligations, or that you should worship God as if you were able to see Him, and giving to relatives, and He forbids lewdness, fornication, and abomination, He admonishes you, so that you might remember]...Remember ALLAH the greatest he remembers you…and thank him for his blessings he gives you more… (( وَلَذِكْرُ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ))... [And the remembrance of God is surely greater, than other acts of obedience, and God knows what you do]...